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Strategic Fortunes is an elite research service that could help you grow your money exponentially over the next few months and years.

Now, we’d like to help you save some money too.

By sending you Strategic Fortunes for life … Ensuring you never pay a yearly renewal fee.

In Ian King’s two decades on Wall Street, he made a fortune for the firms he worked for. And he’s personally hit big on stocks like Tesla, Amazon, Medifast, Stryker Corp., Advanced Auto Parts and many others.

Now, he would like to help you make a fortune, too. And he’s never been more confident that the new-era technology boom is the way to do it — for those who take action now and see it through for years to come.

With Ian’s experience, it’s no surprise that those who have acted on his recommendations over the years are finally taking control of their financial futures.

Hannah Jensen wrote:

I am a 61-year-old widow and don’t have enough for retirement. Thank you for helping me.

And Bill Clarkson said:

Thank you, Ian, for the thorough coverage you’ve given in your training materials. Your frequent emails and updates have been very helpful and reassuring.

Today, you can secure access to life-changing investment opportunities from Ian’s Strategic Fortunes research.

Not for one year.

Not for two years.

But for the rest of your life!

I’m talking about a membership with no expiration, no renewal notices clogging your inbox, no missing Ian’s monthly newsletter or timely updates…

And NO renewal fees ever again!

You get to follow along and watch as gain opportunities come in month after month — for life.

You can become a lifetime member today for the one-time entry fee of just $245 To be clear, this is a one-time fee. After this, you’ll never pay for Strategic Fortunes again.

And your lifetime membership comes with something special:

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Take the next year to decide if a lifetime membership is right for you. If you decide it’s not, give our team a call and they will gladly switch you back to a yearly membership, or cancel your subscription, whichever you wish. It's that simple.

But understand…

We may never make this offer to gain lifetime access to Ian King’s Strategic Fortunes for just $245 — ever again.

So we strongly encourage you to step forward and take this risk-free deal.

It will help you set yourself up for the chance to consistently beat the market … not just for the next year, but for the rest of your life.


Brandt's signature

Brandt Huseman
Director of Customer Experience
Strategic Fortunes

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